World War I
The Great War, also known as World War I (WWI), breaks out on 28 July 1914, exactly one month after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the heir to the Austrian throne, in Sarajevo. As Austria declares war on Serbia and Russia sided with the small Balkan country, the situation escalates rapidly.
The result is years of fighting on several fronts between the Allies (especially France, Britain, and Russia) and the Central Powers (Austria-Hungary, Germany, Italy, and Turkey). The Netherlands remains neutral. When America enters the war in early 1918, the balance tips in favor of the Allies. On 11 November 1918, an armistice is declared in Compiègne, France.remains neutral. When America enters the war in early 1918, the balance tips in favour of the Allies. On 11 November 1918, an armistice is decided in Compiègne, France.
Casualties: nearly 10 million military personnel and an estimated 10 million civilians, including the approximately 1.5 million killed by the Armenian genocide.

Canadian National Vimy Memorial
(photo is a detail of the 7.3 metres (24 ft) high memorial: the young crying Canada Bereft, also known as Mother Canada)
Location: France, Pas-de-Calais, Vimy, Chemin des Canadiens
Design: Walter Seymour Allward
Unveiling: 1936
Photo: Wikimedia Commons
The Battle of Vimy takes place on the western front in northern France from 9 to 12 April 1917. The battle occurres between British-supported Canadian troops and German units, resulting in 3,598 dead and 7,004 wounded on the Canadian side.

Monument to French Refugees Died
(“They passed away while they talked about returning to their country”)
Location: Maastricht-Centre, corner Sint Pieterstraat / Nieuwenhofstraat
Design: Huib Luns
Unveiling: 1926
Photo: Wikimedia Commons
In spring 1918, the Germans force some 40,000 mainly northern French citizens to leave their homes. They flee on foot to the Netherlands, where they are taken in at various places. More than 450 of them die, 60 of them in Maastricht.

The 42nd Rainbow Division Memorial
Location: France, Aisne, Fère-en-Tardenois
Design: James Butler
Unveiling: 2011
Photo: Wikimedia Commons
During World War I, in 1917, the United States became involved in the conflict in Europe. In addition to existing units, a new division consisting of soldiers from 26 US states was formed, known as the ‘Rainbow Division’. This division played a significant role in halting the German advance towards Paris during the summer of 1918, which is known as the ‘Second Battle of the Marne’ and is considered a turning point in the war. The division suffered a total loss of 14,683 men during WWI. This memorial specifically honors the fallen soldiers from the state of Alabama.

Monument to the defenders of Belgrade from 10-15 October 1915
Location: Serbia, Belgrade, Danube Quay
Design: Roman Verhovskoj
Unveiling: 1988
Photo: Moja Avantura
In 1914, the Austro-Hungarian army bombs Belgrade for the first time on July 29. Subsequently, the Serbian capital endures another round of bombing in early October 1915, making it the most heavily bombed of all European cities during WWI. The city is captured on October 9. In 1931, the remains of the defenders are interred in a specially constructed ossuary at Belgrade’s New Cemetery.

‘River Yser Memorial’
detail (blind soldier, one of the four soldiers representing the Belgian resistance)
Location: Belgium, West-Flanders, Newport, Iepersluis
Design: Pieter Braecke
Unveiling: 1930
Photo: Wikimedia Commons
The German advance through Belgium takes place from 4 August to 22 November 1914, followed by four years of trench warfare. As part of this advance, the Battle of the Yser River occures from 18 to 31 October 1914. During the battle, 40,000 Belgian, 15,000 French, and 86,500 German soldiers losing their lives.

‘Shot at dawn memorial’
Location: United Kingdom, Staffordshire, Lichfield
Design: Andy DeComyn
Unveiling: 2001
Photo: Wikimedia Commons
This memorial pays tribute to 17-year-old Herbert F. Burden, who is executed while blindfolded. It commemorates the 309 British and Commonwealth soldiers who are executed at dawn, mostly for desertion or alleged cowardice. Each trial at the court martial lasts no more than half an hour, and there is no possibility for appeals. The families of the executed soldiers do not receive any army allowance. In 2006, the executed soldiers are posthumously honoured.

‘Grieving parents’ (original name: ‘The parents’)
Location: Belgium, Diksmuide, Houtlandstraat 3, German Military Graveyard Vladslo (since 1956)
Design: Käthe Kollwitz
Unveiling: 1932 (on graveyard Roggeveld)
Photo: Wikimedia Commons
It’s a double image: the father mourns bitterly, grim and pent-up with grief. The mother grieves, huddled in, sad and full of sorrow. Käthe Kollwitz suggests placing the kneeling figures in a way that they oversee the entire cemetery, as if they are not only mourning for her son Peter, but for all 25,644 fallen soldiers buried in Vladslo.

Soldier’s monument
Inscription: “Bulgaria, they died for you”
Location: Bulgaria, Varna, Chernevo
Design: unknown
Unveiling: unknown
Photo: World War One Sites
Since gaining independence in 1908, Bulgaria becomes involved in the Balkan Wars, resulting in heavy defeat against a coalition of Greece, Serbia, Romania, and the Ottoman Empire. Bulgaria also suffers losses in World War I, after aligning with Germany and Austria. Approximately 87,500 Bulgarian soldiers, mostly conscripts, die in this war. A memorial in Chernevo, located in northeast Bulgaria, honors the 48 soldiers from the village who died in these wars and in World War II.

‘Mothers Grief’
War Memorial Town Cemetery Blankenberge
Location: Belgium, West-Flanders, Blankenberge, Scharebrugstraat
Design: Guillaume Charlier
Unveiling: 1922
Photo: Wikimedia Commons
The western front in France and Belgium is 750km long and remains relatively unchanged between 1914 and 1918. It primarily consists of trenches on both sides. There are frequent back-and-forth attacks, including the use of poison gas starting in 1915. In total, there are more than 3.5 million dead, wounded, prisoners, and missing, with almost two million of them on the Allied side.

Bronze wall panel without a name
Location: Italy, Dolomites, Cortina d’Ampezzo, Pocol
Design: Giovanni Raimondi (architect)
Unveiling: 1939
Photo: Trip Advisor Italia
During World War I, there are years of trench warfare not only on the western front but also in the Alps. Italian troops trie to capture South Tyrol and the Karst from the Austrians, but are unsuccessful. Over a million soldiers die on this Italian front. In the Pocol cemetery near Cortina d’Ampezzo, 9,707 Italian soldiers are buried. The 48-meter-high monument in the cemetery has four bronze panels depicting scenes of life and death in the trenches.

Monument to the fallen Croatian soldiers in World War I
Location: Croatia, Zagreb, Aleja Hermanna Bollea, Mirogoj Cemetary
Design: Vanja Radauš
Unveiling: 1939
Photo: Wikimedia Commons
This cemetery contains the bodies of 110 Austrians, 450 Hungarians and 2,800 soldiers from Slovakia and other countries. In 1994, proud Croats mistakenly placed a plaque here in honour of the fallen Croatian soldiers, not knowing who were interred here.

Monument to the fallen Czechoslovak soldiers who died for France in WWI
Location: France, Paris, Cemetery Pere Lachaise
Design: Karel Dvorak
Unveiling: 1934
Photo: 14-18 Monuments aux morts de la Grande Guerre
During the summer of 1914, many artists and craftsmen from Czechoslovakia who are living in Paris decide to offer their support to the French side in the event of war. On October 23, 1914, the first group of 250 men leave for the front in Champagne under the name Nazdar Company. More units joine them later on, and a total of 650 Czech fighters fell in France during World War I.